Estonia ADM1 data from GADM
An object of class sf
(inherits from data.frame
) with 15 rows and 11 columns.
GADM (<>) for shape data and Google Maps for city coordinates.
library("sf")#>#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 10 fields #> geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON #> dimension: XY #> bbox: xmin: 387050.1 ymin: 6483179 xmax: 739151.5 ymax: 6617848 #> epsg (SRID): 3301 #> proj4string: +proj=lcc +lat_1=59.33333333333334 +lat_2=58 +lat_0=57.51755393055556 +lon_0=24 +x_0=500000 +y_0=6375000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs #> GID_0 NAME_0 GID_1 NAME_1 TYPE_1 ENGTYPE_1 HASC_1 city caplong #> 1 EST Estonia EST.1_1 Harju Maakond County EE.HA Tallinn 24.75 #> 2 EST Estonia EST.2_1 Hiiu Maakond County EE.HI Kärdla 22.74 #> 3 EST Estonia EST.3_1 Ida-Viru Maakond County EE.IV Jõhvi 27.40 #> 4 EST Estonia EST.4_1 Järva Maakond County EE.JR Paide 25.54 #> 5 EST Estonia EST.5_1 Jõgeva Maakond County EE.JN Jõgeva 26.39 #> 6 EST Estonia EST.7_1 Lääne Maakond County EE.LN Haapsalu 23.54 #> caplat geometry #> 1 59.44 MULTIPOLYGON (((541907.8 65... #> 2 59.00 MULTIPOLYGON (((452884.2 65... #> 3 59.35 MULTIPOLYGON (((714586.2 65... #> 4 58.89 MULTIPOLYGON (((593433.6 65... #> 5 58.74 MULTIPOLYGON (((674219.6 65... #> 6 58.94 MULTIPOLYGON (((466598.3 65...