Download the ICEWS event data from Dataverse

  to_dir = find_raw(),
  update = TRUE,
  dryrun = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE

  to_dir = find_raw(),
  update = TRUE,
  dryrun = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



Path to directory where data files will be downloaded to.


Update files for which a newer version if available? This will delete the old file version(s). If FALSE, it will download the new version but leave the old version in place. There thus will be duplicate event sets.


Conducts a dry run listing proposed changes, without actually downloading or deleting anything.


Don't print progress messages


download_data() will check both ICEWS dataverse repos (both the weekly and yearly data repos) and download the data files it finds to the location of the raw data directory (find_raw()). By default, with "update = TRUE", it will replace existing files with updated versions if they are available, e.g. if in the raw data directory there is an "events.2017.[date1].tab" file but on dataverse there is a "events.2017.[date2].tab" file, it will download the new version and delete the old version once that is done.

Use download_data() instead of download_icews()